printf("Hello There\n");

My name is Matthew Thomas Beck, and I am a Computer Science student attending the University of Texas at San Antonio

I love all things computers, be it working with hardware like single-board computers and microcontrollers, to artsy stuff, like this website you're viewing right now

I believe that the computer has been the most impactful thing not just in my life, but in all of our lives, and so that is why I believe it is so important to be 'good' at them...

printf("So, What Am I Good At?\n");

Python: TensorFlow, Numpy, Beautiful Soup, Selenium, Pandas, Matplotlib, Psycopg, YFinance, Quandl, CCXT, Tkinter, etc.

Linux System Administration: Bash, Nginx, UFW, Fail2Ban, GeoIP

SQL Databases: PostgreSQL

Web Development: Let's Encrypt (SSL), HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Node.js, Plotly.js)

C: Programming II (A), Data Structures (B+)

Environments: AWS (Amplify), JetBrains (IntelliJ, PyCharm, CLion), Adobe (Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects)

Machine Learning Portfolio


Receipt Analyzer

Personal Website

Video Editor

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printf("My Projects:\n");

Machine Learning Portfolio

Using a Raspberry Pi 4B, a Coral TPU, TensorFlow, an Nginx web server, and a whole host of data collecting and modeling scripts, I created a portfolio that finds the most volatile financial instruments, predicts their prices, and suggests when you should buy / sell (OBLIGATORY: THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE)

printf("Contact Me!\n");