My name is Matthew Thomas Beck, and I am a Computer Science student attending the University of Texas at San Antonio
I love all things computers, be it working with hardware like single-board computers and microcontrollers, to artsy stuff, like this website you're viewing right now
I believe that the computer has been the most impactful thing not just in my life, but in all of our lives, and so that is why I believe it is so important to be 'good' at them...
Languages: Python (versioning, 20+ libraries), C/C++, Bash, HTML/CSS, JavaScript (Node.js, Plotly.js), Java, Assembly (x86)
Cloud: AWS (Amplify, S3, SageMaker, ECR, ECS, CodeCommit, IAM/IAM Identity Center, AWS CLI, AWS SDK, Billing and Cost Management)
Machine Learning: Recursive Neural Networks (LSTM), Reinforcement Learning (Current WIP)
Databases: PostgreSQL
Linux System Administration: Nginx, UFW, Fail2Ban, GeoIP, Serial Communications, TPU Utilization
Certificates: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero
Fractal Labs (May-August 2024): As a research intern for Fractal Labs, I read and summarized academic papers on machine learning and helped create a machine learning model
I built a Python app that uses Custom TKinter, Matplotlib, Psycopg2, and a host of other technologies including its own SQL database in order to better track my spending during the early days of university